恒折教育 游泳培训


发布时间: 2023-05-13 13:40:11

4. I hear he can swim freestyle, side stroke and breaststroke very well.

我听说他自由泳 、 侧泳和蛙泳都游得非常好.

5. Sometimes I use breaststroke, backstroke, and free style.

有时游蛙泳 、 仰泳和自由泳.

6. Peter : Tedhere are freestyle, backstroke, butterfly frog stroke and etc.

有自由泳 、 仰泳 、 蝶泳、蛙泳等.

7. Swimming is divided into breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly stroke.

游泳分为蛙泳, 自由泳, 仰泳, 蝶泳.

8. She'll be trying to beat the world record for women's 200 - metre breaststroke.


9. I prefer the breaststroke , though I can also do the sidestroke.

我会侧泳, 但是我喜欢蛙泳.

10. Then yocan help her with breaststroke and sidestroke.


11. There is many ways of swimming like butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle ect.

游泳基本分为蝶泳 、 仰泳 、 蛙泳 、 自由泳.

12. Swimming teaching, under Mrs Miu'sinstruction, I found it's hard to teach children.

游泳的话就不多说了, 在缪老师的带领下, 教小孩子游蛙泳,感觉小孩子真不好教!

13. Swim breaststroke , adding an extra kick to each cycle.

蛙泳, 每次动作周期另增加一次蹬腿.

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